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Search Engine Optimization

Most experts agree, ‘SEO’ is dead.  So why do some businesses still get their tailfeathers in flutter about it?

The year is 2023.  Social drives brand awareness and people drive social.  So why do we STILL care about SEO?  Good question.  Should businesses still care about SEO?  The answer is not a simple because the subject of search engine optimization is a complex and ever-changing moving target.

Social media advertising and paid search engine marketing have grown in popularity, organic search engine optimization is still one of the most effective ways to ensure long-term brand visibility.

While paid search marketing usually yields more immediate results in increasing targeting traffic to your site, organic presence on the search engines offers the promise of natural, unpaid website traffic to businesses willing to play the long game.

What’s Included With Our Websites?

Most of our website design and development projects include some level of basic on-site optimization. This foundation is a great start in getting websites some initial organic search presence. However, it’s important to be clear that this is not the same thing as a comprehensive SEO plan which includes many off-site factors as well as on-site mechanics.